Thursday, April 14

You want peace? You can't handle peace!

Since moving to this new department, I feel relaxed and happy at work. I used to be in the chaotic world of corporate communications. Not anymore. So yesterday I had some new responsibilities given to me. I will be in charge of all admin matters relating to internal funding for research for the faculty. Yippee! New stuff to do. Finally some work to be done. Work in here is periodic. Sometimes I have stuff to do, like at the end of the month when I have to collate all info from various units and prepare reports for my vp. And at other times, I can be really free, that I'd actually go ask if the vp has work for me to do. Normally the answer would be no, but hey, who's complaining? That gives me more time to blog anyway....

But.... hmm, there's always a but.... but after a while it gets boring and I worry that my other workmates would find it funny that I'm just surfing my time away. They're probably thinking...
Doesn't she have work to do? Isn't she the assistant to the VP? Doesn't that mean she has tons to take care off?
Well, what can I say....

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