Monday, June 20

As real as reality can get

As I sit at the round table for my lunch today, I was engulfed in talks of the goings-on from the many so-called reality talent shows that flood our tv stations of late. Talks and discussions went back and forth from one show to the other. Participants’ backgrounds, personality traits, attitudes, talents, likes and dislikes, good habits, bad habits, eating habits; my office mates seem to know them all. Has this demam phenomenon taken control of all these working mothers? But wait, it’s not only mothers I am told. Working adults, children, teenagers, all have eyes glued faithfully to their tv screens to catch the latest development of their favourite participants. For entertainment sake, sure, I’m all for it. But when kids start rattling off names of participants and yet cannot remember what 5 x 7 are, it’s a pretty depressing state of affairs. When the young can remember so-and-so is from which kampung and has how many percentages of the sms votes, but cannot remember the lyrics to good ol’ Negaraku, then something is really not right somewhere.


Tanah tumpahnya darahku
Rakyat hidup
Bersatu dan maju
Rahmat bahagia
Tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita
Selamat bertakhta....


Yoong Family said...

aiyo, reading your blog half way suddenly got to stand up...

mudslinger said...

sorry simon, was feeling a bit patriotic at that time.