Monday, May 16

It's just monkey business, nothing personal

Dear movie-ing
It’s the 16th today. 3 more days before hubby and I get to watch Star Wars. Ooh, so excited. It’s been a long while since we went to the cinema. I can’t remember what movie it was that we saw last. For me, the whole experience is so enjoyable. From the getting ready at home to looking for a parking space to entering the cinema with the intoxicatingly sweet smell of popcorn. From the sitting in a lighted theatre to watching trailers of upcoming movies to watching the movie with great anticipation and the promise of a good story. *Sigh* I love the cinema. If only tickets weren’t so bloody expensive. How much this movie is probably gonna cost us this Thursday night….

Tickets for two – RM26
Dinner – RM30
Refreshments – RM10
Parking – RM1
Total – RM67

Mahalnya my wayang outing. How can we afford to go often? Unless we just go for the movie, minus the food. But where’s the fun in that? Especially for me, the budak gemuk….

Watching street fighters and geeks
Eh sleepylah today. All coz of watching The Apprentice. Still cannot watch the second half of OC. Hmmm, maybe my bro will want to buy the DVDs. Heh heh. I know he’s right now watching the complete first season of Alias. Maybe he can buy OC after that. Or 4400. I managed to catch a few episodes and thought it was worth watching. What happened after that I wonder? Or was there never a second season of 4400?

Grim lawyers playing baseball
Am still reading Empress Orchid. Wanna maybe get Grisham’s The Broker next, but it’s still not available in paperback. Bummer. Or maybe will read his A Painted House. I’ve got all his ‘lawyer-lawyer’ books (which incidentally, I love) but have yet to read Bleachers, Skipping Christmas, and A Painted House.

Hmm, next Monday will be a holiday. Maybe I can go to Borders or Kino. We’ll see….

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