Tuesday, August 2

Daghat slipar mu....

Oh goodness me! The haze outside is just terrible. Had to cross over to the other building and was suffocated. Heard that there was a fire somewhere here in Cyberjaya. And our aircond is playing up again. It goes on and off and now I really feel choked. Is this our company’s way of conserving energy a la the government? Hope not. Come to think of it, it’s getting harder to breathe. My breathing is laboured. Not enough oxygen? Ugh…. Hope hubby comes soon.

Had dinner at Fasta Pasta last night. Didn’t know we were going there. I thought hubby read my blog yesterday, but he said he didn’t. That’s true, I only posted after he left his office. Anyway, I had some ravioli while he had the fettuccine. I think his tasted better than mine did. We shared a pot of tea. I wanted English Breakfast. He didn’t agree and said that it should be reserved for breakfast only. I just laughed and said I didn’t care. (Sorry dear!) Who’s to say when I can drink what tea? Up to me really, isn’t it?

After dinner I bought a pair of slippers. Well, perhaps they should be known as sandals, but to me they’re my slippers cause I slip ‘em on. Hehe. I think they look cute, with white butterfly-thingies on them. Hubby probably thinks they’re “darat”, meaning like kampung one lah! Hmm, say it with a little Kelantanese twist and it’ll probably sound like this – “daghat”.

Now me and my daghat slippers will go wait for hubby.

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